Future Republicans of America

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Friday, June 23, 2006

Laura Bush: George Brings Me Coffee In Bed Every Morning

Early to bed, early to rise. That's a typical day at the White House, says Laura Bush.

"We get up about 5:30 a.m. The president gets up and goes in and gets the coffee and brings it back to me in bed. Very nice of him," she said Wednesday, answering a question during a round-table with foreign exchange students.

"Record that, please," the president interjected.

"Then, we have three animals that get up at the same time and they have to go out - two dogs and a cat," she said.

The Bushes read the newspapers and drink coffee until it's time to get moving.

Breakfast at about 6:30 a.m., and President Bush is in his office a half-hour later.

"The president goes to work at the West Wing, which is right there - we live where we work," she explained. "It's sort of like living above the shop."

The first lady gets to her East Wing office around 9 a.m.

Unless one or both Bushes are traveling, they usually are back upstairs in the White House residence quarters by 5:30 p.m. or 6 p.m. for dinner, and are often joined by their 24-year-old twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna.

"One of them was just living with us, but she just has moved out," said Laura Bush, who usually is tightlipped about their daughters' doings. She was talking about Barbara, who is said to have recently left Washington for New York City.

"The other one lives in an apartment and is teaching school, she's a third-grade schoolteacher," the first lady said, speaking of Jenna, who teaches in Washington


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