Future Republicans of America

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hillary Clinton: I'm Not Muzzling Bill

2008 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is denying that she's put her foot down over her husband's tendency to make pronouncements that contradict her own positions.

"The story is not true," Mrs. Clinton's spokesman Philippe Reines told Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the New York Daily News frontpaged the story under the headline: "Zip It: With Eye on 2008, Hill Tells Bill: Say Nothing Without my OK."

The report claimed that "the former president agreed to give his wife a veto to avoid his habit of making controversial headlines that could hurt her chances of returning to the White House."

In response, Reines and Mr. Clinton's spokesman, Jay Carson, issued a joint statement:

"The anonymous sources [quoted in the News' report] are anonymous for a reason; they're wrong. We have two better-placed and more definitive sources: President & Senator Clinton. So we can tell you that this story is not true."

However, not all the News' sources were anonymous.

Responding to claims that Bill had been ordered to zip his lip, Hillary spokesgal Ann Lewis told the paper, "She is the elected official. She makes the ultimate decisions."


At 5:52 PM, Blogger Christian Prophet said...

The Holy Spirit's message on the Amazing Miracles Everywhere! blog offers a prayer for Hillary, so she gets it right.


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