Future Republicans of America

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Condi's Close Adviser Is 26-year-old 'Kid'

When Condoleezza Rice steps out on the world stage, she most likely delivers lines written by a 26-year-old redheaded "kid" - her speechwriter Christian Brose.

One year ago, Brose was the most junior speechwriter at the State Department. When Rice was nominated to be secretary of state, she assembled the department's speechwriting team - including Brose - at the White House to discuss her confirmation hearings.

"The conversation meandered and seemed uninspired," Rice aides said, until Brose "shyly raised his hand and offered a suggestion that, for Rice, crystallized her foreign policy themes," the Washington Post reports.

Rice asked one of her senior advisers afterward: "Who is that red-haired kid? Let's keep an eye on him."

Brose was recently named Rice's chief speechwriter, and he often accompanies her when she travels overseas so they can work together sharpening the secretary's speeches.

"Chris can write her voice better than anyone," senior adviser Jim Wilkinson told the Post.

"He's become one of her closest advisers on policy and communications."


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