Future Republicans of America

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Gore Falls Flat in Florida - Again

"I'm Al Gore and I used to be the next president of the United States."

That's one of the zingers the former vice president tossed out as he addressed the American Association of Advertising Agencies' Media Conference in Florida.

But a commentary in the trade publication Broadcasting & Cable said the one-liner was a stale joke:

"The number of times Gore has wrung applause" from the joke "in the past five years is roughly double the margin of popular votes he won over George W. Bush in 2000."

Gore also quipped: "I'm on step nine on the road to becoming a recovering politician."

Another old stand-by, according to B&C.

Gore addressed the group as a media mogul, but vowed that he wouldn't talk about his new Current TV cable channel, then went ahead and did anyway, B&C reports.

Gore also delivered a lecture on global warming, complete with slides. But the presentation got a poor review from B&C, which said it was reminiscent of his failed presidential campaign:

"Sure, he was passionate, and we learned a thing or two, but did we really want to spend the next four years with him, let alone four minutes past his allotted speaking time?"


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