Future Republicans of America

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Larry Sabato: Democrats Will Win Both Houses

Respected political pundit Larry Sabato has released his final "Crystal Ball” predictions for the Congressional elections – and he still foresees the Democrats winning enough seats to gain control of both the Senate and the House.

A net gain of six seats would give the Democrats a majority of 51 votes in the Senate – and the Democrats will indeed unseat six Republicans, according to a new release from Sabato and David Wasserman of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.

Here is a breakdown of several key Senate races from Sabato’s Crystal Ball:

Arizona: Republican Sen. Jon Kyl will win re-election over Democrat Jim Pederson.

Connecticut: Sen. Joe Lieberman, who is running as an independent, will win re-election over Democrat Ned Lamont and will continue to vote along with the Democrats.

Maryland: Democrat Ben Cardin will defeat Republican Michael Steele in the race for an open seat.

Michigan: Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow will win re-election over Republican Mike Bouchard.

Minnesota: Democrat Amy Klobuchar will defeat Republican Mark Kennedy in the race for an open seat.

Missouri: Democrat Claire McCaskill will unseat Republican Sen. Jim Talent.

Montana: Democrat Jon Tester will unseat Republican Sen. Conrad Burns.

Nebraska: Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson will win re-election over Republican Pete Ricketts.

New Jersey: Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez will defeat Republican Tom Kean, Jr.

Ohio: Democrat Sherrod Brown will unseat Republican Sen. Mike DeWine.

Pennsylvania: Democrat Bob Casey will unseat Republican Sen. Rick Santorum.

Rhode Island: Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse will unseat Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee.

Tennessee: Republican Bob Corker will defeat Democrat Harold Ford, Jr. in the race for an open seat.

Virginia: Democrat Jim Webb will unseat Republican Sen. George Allen.

Washington: Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell will win re-election over Republican Mike McGavick.

In the House, Sabato’s final predictions have the Democrats picking up 29 seats, enough to give them a 232-203 majority – the same size majority the GOP currently holds.

The Republicans who will be unseated, according to Sabato, include Curt Weldon in Pennsylvania, Clay Shaw in Florida, Christopher Shays in Connecticut, Marilyn Musgrave in Colorado and Charlie Bass in New Hampshire.


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