Future Republicans of America

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Liberals Sour on Nancy Pelosi

A poll by a major left-wing blog, Daily Kos, shows that liberals strongly support Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean - but turn thumbs down on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Results of the ongoing poll on March 21 showed that a solid 84 percent of respondents approved of the way Dean is doing his job.

Only 50 percent said they approved of the job Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was doing.

And when it came to Pelosi, a paltry 19 percent approved.

Daily Kos notes: "A critic might say that Pelosi's numbers are suffering because of the beating she's taken on this site and the larger blogosphere the past week or two. However, Reid is very much praised around these parts, yet he got a bare majority approval rating."

A beating, indeed. Kossack Matt Stoller has chastised the congresswoman from California a number of times, including this posting: "Nancy Pelosi isn't doing a good job as minority leader... She doesn't stand up for her fellow members when they are fighting the Republicans. She creates incentives against aggressive behavior. She enforces an ethics truce, and lies about it. Despite all of this, she can still come around and be a good leader. And if she doesn't come around and start leading, it could cost us in 2006."

Another posting reads: "Pelosi and Reid are part of the old school that sits tight and waits for the results of the focus groups before getting on an issue. Good politicians and great leaders, like Dean, have a nose for where the important issues are and know how to get out in front of them."

Yet another: "She's two steps behind and never has a plan for what's obviously coming down the pipe. Find somebody who really wants to do the job, not somebody who likes having the title on her business card."


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