Future Republicans of America

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

Condoleezza as 'Commander in Chief'

Some pundits have characterized the new ABC-TV series "Commander in Chief" as a thinly veiled promo for a Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. But one group is using the show to plug another possible female candidate - Condoleezza Rice.

Americans for Rice, which is dedicated to drafting the Secretary of State to run for the White House in 2008, bought TV air time in New Hampshire - the critical primary state - during the premiere of the drama, which stars Geena Davis as the first female American president.

The organization's co-chairman Richard Mason said the program would help in the "mainstreaming of the idea of having a female commander in chief," according to the New York Post.

Rice has denied an interest in running for president, but polls of Republicans show significant support for her candidacy.

NewsMax columnist James Hirsen has called "Commander in Chief" a "series-style Hillary campaign commercial."

But it might take more than a TV show to convince voters that Clinton is presidential material. A mid-July USA Today story headlined "Can Hillary Be Elected Commander in Chief?" reported that 60 percent of respondents in a poll believed she's not strong on national security.


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