Fasting for Peace, Hollywood-Style
Some left-leaners in Tinseltown believe they have found a way to promote their antiwar cause without skipping a gourmet beat.
Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, and Ed Asner are a few of the Hollywood celebrities who believe they can wage a hunger strike and get compassionate credit while having someone else do the fasting for them.
Now that’s the kind of hunger strike a limousine liberal can embrace.
A ragtag group of protestors led by Cindy Sheehan recently kicked off a “Troops Home Fast” (THF) hunger strike to protest the Iraq war.
“This war is a crime,” Sheehan told some cheering protesters. “We represent millions of Americans who withdraw their support from this government.”
For added drama the assemblage ate their last meal of curry, white rice, and beans in front of the White House. Sheehan said she would drink only water throughout the summer.
Diane Wilson, who as an environmental activist engaged in several hunger strikes, would not set an end date to her personal fast.
“My goal is to bring the troops home. I don’t know how long I can fast, but I’m making this open-ended,” Wilson said. “I plan to take this as far as I’ve ever taken anything in my 58 years. I fear our future is at stake, and I’m ready to make a major sacrifice.”
Not exactly so for hunger strikers of the celebrity kind. The THF Web site posted a list of “long-term fasters,” which included Sheehan, Wilson, and Dick Gregory. But it also listed Penn, Sarandon, Glover, Asner, singer-songwriter Willie Nelson, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, and congresswoman and purported cop-slapper Cynthia McKinney as “other fasters.”
According to the event’s sponsor, CodePink, “other fasters” may work as a relay team from one to another. The THF site calls this option a “rolling fast,” where each faster takes one day of the hunger strike.
Penn might need to pass his fast-baton to someone else while he readies himself for his screen role as former White House counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke in the film version of Clarke's book “Against All Enemies.”
Interestingly, New York Times best-selling author Maj. David Rozelle told Human Events that while Penn was over in Iraq he “tried to conduct interviews on the streets and portray himself as this sympathizer and they had to send in troops to bring him out because he was being attacked.”
Penn might think about dedicating his rolling fast to the members of the U.S. military who, while he was trying to conduct those interviews, literally saved his butt.
The Left Coast Report points out that they didn’t do it by giving up pizza.
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