Future Republicans of America

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Coulter: Jesus Would Approve of 'Godless'

Challenged by Fox News Channel's Alan Colmes to declare that Jesus would approve of the approach she took in her new book "Godless," outspoken author Ann Coulter said "yes," he would.

"Would Jesus sanction a book that belittles and ridicules a large segment of the American population?" Coulter queried. "Yes," adding that Jesus was faced with such outrages as the money changers in the Temple. Coulter added in familiar fashion that Jesus "was no panty waist."

Appearing on "Hannity & Colmes" Tuesday, Coulter flatly denied liberal charges that she had knowingly voted in the wrong district in Palm Beach, Fla., where she has a house, or that she refused to cooperate with authorities.

"That's all false," she said.

Earlier in the day, Coulter set off some broadcast fireworks in an interview with Matt Lauer of NBC's 'Today' show.

Katie Couric's former 'Today' show morning pal Lauer - who broke out laughing last year when unfunny comedian Al Franken said Karl Rove and Lewis Libby should be executed for treason - did not find any humor in Coulter's blockbuster new book.

Lauer challenge Coulter during the interview, trying to pin her down on some of the specific statements she makes in her latest bombshell of a book about liberals.

After the host quoted Coulter's assertion that 'liberalism is the opposition party to God,' Lauer asked: "How do you think Democrats who believe in God are gonna feel about that statement?"

Undaunted, Coulter responded: "They probably won't like it. They don't like a lot of things I say."

Asked Lauer: "Is it a fair statement you think?"

Coulter replied, "Yes, yes."

Turning to the topic of abortion, Lauer noted Ann's statement that "'To a liberal 2,200 military deaths in the entire course of the war in Iraq is unconscionable but 1.3 million aborted babies in America every year is something to celebrate.'"

Lauer: "You think people celebrate . . ."

Coulter: "They manifestly do. They are huge rallies for it. That is the one issue that's more important to the Democratic Party than any other. I mean Bill Clinton, the last . . ."

Lauer: "Do you think they celebrate the right to choose or, or the actual abortion?"

Coulter: "The last candidate the Democrats got into the White House was Bill Clinton. I, I take that as a fair assessment of whom the Democrats will choose as their representative. Bill Clinton sold out every single special interest group. The criminal rights group, the welfare bureaucrats. The one group he would not stand up to were the abortion ladies. Vetoing bans on partial birth, a gruesome procedure passed by overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate. Twice, Clinton vetoed that. That tells you what the Democratic Party thinks about abortion."


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