Future Republicans of America

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easter - Time to Denigrate Jesus

It never fails. Along with the Easter season comes the elites' holiday bashing of Jesus.

Doron Nof, a professor at the University of Florida, has just released a study "explaining" how Jesus appeared to walk on water.

According to Nof, Christ merely took a stroll across a layer of ice.

In another Easter treat, NBC's "Dateline" recently did a feature on author Michael Baigent's book, which claims among other things that a married Jesus survived crucifixion and escaped to Egypt.

Baigent, one of the authors who unsuccessfully sued over alleged copyright infringement involving Dan Brown's book "The Da Vinci Code," lacks the evidence to support his assertions.

Baigent insists, though, that his book is backed up by some ancient texts he saw. But in a variation of "my dog ate my homework" he claims he lost the authenticating materials.

The National Geographic Channel added to this year's Easter festivities with its airing of a highly publicized special, which unveiled a manuscript of what was called "The Gospel of Judas."

In a press release, National Geographic referred to the document as one that "has been authenticated as a genuine work of ancient Christian apocryphal literature" as late as the fifth century but was not actually written by Judas.

The Left Coast Report believes somewhere in all of this lies an Oliver Stone movie.


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