Future Republicans of America

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Spotlight on Osama bin Laden's Niece

Are Americans going to allow reality TV to be taken over by the families of terrorists?

Well, evidently the niece of the man who orchestrated the destruction of the World Trade Center is going to star in a reality television show about her life. So says ReganMedia.

Aspiring singer and model Wafah Dufour bin Laden is the daughter of Osama bin Laden's half-brother Yeslam. She caught the attention of the media when she appeared in the January 2006 issue of GQ in feather lingerie and in another pic in a bubble bath wearing only a necklace.

Apparently, there are plenty of other bin Ladens available for reality show episodes or sequels. Osama and his half-brother are among the more than 50 children fathered by Mohammed bin Laden, a Yemeni immigrant to Saudi Arabia.

Wafah was born in California but lived in Saudi Arabia from the ages of 3 to 10. She was in Geneva when the 9/11 attacks happened. "I was freaking out, crying hysterically, watching this in horror. I was like 'Somebody's bombing my city, and I wanna go home,'" she told the BBC.

Soon after, in an effort to distance herself from her infamous uncle, she took her mother's maiden name, and now goes by the name Wafah Dufour.

"I understand that when people hear my last name, they have preconceived notions, but I was born an American and I love my country," Dufour said in the ReganMedia statement.

"I was born in the States, and I want people to know I'm American, and I want people to understand that I'm like anyone in New York. For me, it's home," she told the BBC.

ReganMedia President Judith Regan spelled out how the television series will provide a form of multicultural enrichment. "Her story will bridge the gap that people feel exists between the cultures she has lived in," Regan explained.

"She is also a young woman who falls in love, has her heart broken, worries about her looks, doesn't always listen to her mother, and hasn't spoken to her father in years," Regan added.

Sounds like it may be a bin Laden family version of "The Simple Life."

Which network will air the show and when it will debut have yet to be determined.

So far, the Left Coast Report has not found that Dubai Ports World is involved in the show.


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