Future Republicans of America

This is the Blogging site for the Future Republicans of America magazine. We welcome comments from all over the political spectrum.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Popular View?

What we should do about the war in Iraq and how the left needs to stop pushing agenda’s
Jessica Serrano

Is it just me, or do politicians seem to always want to pull out of war zones during Christmas? As much as the left hates Christianity, they seem to always want to capitalize on the season by recommending withdrawals and cease fires all in the name of “America’s best interest”.

I know I’m one of the many out there that believes terrorism knows no holidays or cease fires. And that a withdrawal means victory for those who will do us harm. It would be one more piece of this giant chess game taken away (whether it is a knight or a bishop can be narrowed down later).

So why are we even having this discussion?

The left’s response is very weak on the situation.

Is it because the media is playing right into the hands of the left?

Is it because there isn’t a more intriguing story out there?

Where were these peace craving leftists when our soldiers were protecting freedoms in guerilla wars across the globe? I guess it’s more convenient to make a case when something is being shoved into the faces of the public.

We’ve already found that those who did not stand with us during the beginning of the war did not for personal reasons. With all honesty France has no right to make complaints about America after the violent outbreaks that plagued it for more than a week.

As for the WMDs in Iraq, chemicals were found. They did have the capacity to produce them. Although soldiers have not found the giant signs with “Chemical Agents Found Here” in flashing letters, there have been discoveries of biological and radioactive materials in Iraq. Why else would the U.N. have been watching Iraq?

It would be greatly underestimating a nation that eluded the U.N. about the oil for food scandal to believe that they did not have the capacity to harbor, create, and eventually move WMDs.

So what is the other argument for us to pull out?

We talk about our soldiers, what they feel. In truth more than half come back to America in total disbelief on how the war is being covered. What about the schools they built? Second rate news compared to the ranting of Al-Zarqawi.

And for those who continue to portray younger soldiers as helpless victims of power hungry politicians, at the age of 18 it is your choice to join the Armed Service. If people didn’t want to go into war ever, then why did they join the military? Free education? These are the kinds of things you are supposed to expect when joining an outfit like this. If I decided to become a construction worker and was asked to clear out land for the development of new houses, but was opposed to cutting down trees there is a definite possibility that I shouldn’t be in that line of work. Don’t get me wrong, I think people should have their own opinions about the war and politics, but please don’t sit there and tell me you didn’t want to go to war when you voluntarily signed into the military.

Some say that they support the troops but not the cause. I say that’s like telling a chef the meal was terrible but you believe he is a good cook. That is by far one of the coldest things you can tell someone.

What about the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other affected regions in the Middle East? Do they like the U.S. helping them regain control of their countries, civilizations, and lives? Or do they so dislike us that they would side with the Islamic fundamentalists and kill every American ever born?

Of course a majority likes us. It’s the terrorists that want us out, and plant bombs on themselves or the side of the road to kill troops. Media coverage is the same across the board from local to international news the standard is the horrific over the decent and humane. If we heard only stories about bank robberies, shootings, muggings and other heinous crimes we would be afraid to step outside our homes. We know however, that high crimes are not always the case. For every robbery that occurs in our community there is an art exhibition or someone who has saved another persons life. Our view of local news also applies to the international coverage coming from the middle-east, we do not receive all the news coming from that region. While we may rely on the media to be our eyes and ears all over the world, common sense must prevail, if things were really that bad there would be more deaths of soldiers.

Staying in Iraq, and not letting those who only want to further their own political agenda pull us out, sounds like a good plan. If you don’t like this next generation, be my guest and support the immediate pull out because doing so will only allow insurgents to fester and leave an even bigger problem for the next set of young people. But if you like your children or grandchildren, then stay.

Now I said in the sub-portion of the title about agenda’s and courses of action, so here goes. The left hates the right and the right is not to crazy about the left. The left feels like the little guy in a land full of linebackers and in turn most have refused to look at the world without their political-blinders. So...I suppose that by repeating the same action taken in Vietnam they believe they will once again have a hay day in the legislative and executive branches. That’s selfish and very near sighted. I propose that we should pull out conventional troops from Iraq and replace them with specially trained ones that are knowledgeable in rebuilding countries and training foreign troops. I also propose a Macarthur plan for Iraq, emphasizing a 10 to 15 year stay.

But that’s just me….


At 12:09 PM, Blogger David said...

You're dead on in this post. Bottom line is that the democrats want us to lose in Iraq. They know it would provide them HUGE leverage in the mid term elections. They would undoubtedly gain many many spots in congress. The way in which they are doing this disgusts me. Just a couple days ago Dean said there is no way we will win the war. Excuse me, but we ARE winning the war. He also wants us to withdraw our troops in order to fight Zarqawi. Let me make sure I have this straight, he wants us to leave iraq in order to fight Zarqawi, who is in iraq....hmmm interesting. John Kerry called our troops terrorists: "And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women" --Sen. Kerry. He went on to say that "Iraqis should be doing that" Is this guy serious?

At 1:41 PM, Blogger J. Serrano said...

Kerry is absoulutly serious when he starts ranting in any area. Pulling out of a terrorist hot bed so we can fight terrorists makes sense to him and anyone else that posses the IQ of a toaster.

We are winning, and that scares the left. Anything that opposses their policy of appeasement is the enemy, in ths case the War on terrorism.


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