Future Republicans of America

This is the Blogging site for the Future Republicans of America magazine. We welcome comments from all over the political spectrum.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Double Standards

Sri Lanka after the Tsunami

Biloxi Missipppi after Hurricane Katrina

Look Familiar?

Then why aren't we recieving aid? Why is it that America must support the rest of the world and itself?

Here's a message for everyone. Bush was NOT responasable for this. Repeat: NOT RESPONSABLE!

This is not a result of Global Warming. Or a massive right wing conspiracy.

Could we please put aside partisansip and bitterness for five friggin' minutes!

People are dead, others will succumb to disease. The death toll will rise to the thousands. And the states affected will not fully recover many, many months. Possibly years.

The price of Oil is up to 6 dollars in most places. We had to open the reserves to compensate.

There is looting in the streets. Policemen have been shot in the head, the same ones that are trying to recover survivers from under the debree.

OOps, I'm sorry....they've just been called off recovery duty, they have to control the crowds and the looting.

If this was any other country, including France, America would be in their helping no questions asked. America would be expected to help no questions asked. We would have been greeted with crossed arms. "Where have you been, it's been 3 hours since the distruction began. Just like you Americans, always late." Kid you not, it's happened before.

But where are they when we need help?

This is making me sick....What a double standard!!!


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