Future Republicans of America

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Friday, July 15, 2005

Paul Weyrich: Every American Should Read 'Truth About Hillary'

Edward Klein's "The Truth About Hillary" has become a runaway New York Times best-seller.

NewsMax has learned it will make the New York Times top 10 best-seller list for the third week in a row - despite a near total ban on the book by major television shows.

And despite criticism from even opponents of Hillary Clinton that the book is just too sensational, one of the nation's most noted conservatives is strongly embracing the book.

"I was impressed with the amount of research which went into the book," Paul Weyrich, chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation, told NewsMax.

"Clearly this is a serious piece of work, not just a trash job," he added.

And then Weyrich endorsed it: "Every American needs to read this book so they understand what they will be getting if Hillary is elected president."

Weyrich has not only read the book, he also interviewed Klein this week on his Internet radio show, "The Right Hour."

"I came to this project with an open mind. And it was only after three years and 100 interviews and tons and tons of research that I concluded Hillary Clinton would be a clear and present danger if she ever sat in the Oval Office of the White House," Klein told Weyrich during the interview.

Klein is the author of four best-selling books about the Kennedys, a former overseas editor at Newsweek, and a former editor of the New York Times Magazine.

Klein told Weyrich his motivation was not to "get" Hillary, but he was simply looking for another "fascinating person" to write about when he began work on the book.

The completed book, however, has touched a very raw nerve in the Clinton camp.

Klein said he hoped his book will open the way for future writers, who may have been afraid to go ahead before now, to deal with some of these issues in greater depth.

The reaction to Klein's book by the mainstream media could not be more telling.

"All the television shows that I was booked to appear on, with two exceptions, which I'll get to in a minute, were canceled. That includes ABC's "Good Morning America," the Chris Matthews "Hardball" show, Joe Scarborough, Aaron Brown, Paula Zahn, "Fox and Friends," and I can go on and on," Klein said.

"They are all canceled under the hammer of the Clinton War Machine, which has gone to war with me and has tried to discredit me. And has called up these networks and told them if they have Ed Klein on, they are going to have a lot of trouble getting access to Hillary, and they have all crumbled, believe it or not. It's hard to believe, I know, but that is the kind of power that Mrs. Clinton and her office wield."

Sen. Clinton is now the front-runner in the race for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008.

Klein said she has gone around the country building up political IOUs from state and local politicians.

She is far ahead of other possible Democratic candidates in fundraising, and a strategy organization, the Glover Park Group, is already in place, noted Klein.

"The Democrats cannot accept the fact that they are not in power," he added.


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