Future Republicans of America

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Hillary May Back 'Another' 2008 Candidate Early

From Newsmax.com

Hillary's dilemma is a serious one.

So serious, we hear from New York Democratic circles, she and husband Bill may come out soon to back another Democrat as "their" 2008 candidate.

Are they serious?

Here's the reasoning.

Hillary is focusing on her re-election race for Senate in 2006. Hillary is a clear favorite to win re-election. She has done her homework for her constituents and remains quite popular in New York.

But she is leaving nothing to chance. Republicans are planning a massive effort to cripple Hillary in New York.

While focusing on re-election, openly running for the presidency could undermine her efforts in New York.

A prominent New York Democratic insider tells NewsMax to expect Hillary and Bill to back another presidential candidate early -- as a placeholder for Hillary if and when she decides to enter the race after 2006.

The way the presidential election cycle now works, it's a four-year game, one source tells us.

Hillary can't just decide to enter after 2006. By then, early Democratic candidates will have locked up key political power brokers in early primary states, big donors and the best campaign operatives.

Hillary also has to move now to outflank a growing faction in her own party that wants to stop her presidential ambitions. This faction includes new DNC chief Howard Dean, who openly detests the Clintons.

It's no secret that Dean was backed by the Kennedy-Kerry clique, as well as Al Gore, all of whom strongly oppose Hillary.

One scenario has retired General Wesley Clark back in the race again. Hillary and Bill backed Clark as their stalking horse to stop Howard Dean. This time Clark could become the meet-up place for Clintonistas -- until Hillary makes her bold move after re-election.

Buckle up, friends. We're in for one helluva a primary fight in the Democratic race!


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