Future Republicans of America

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Hillary Allies Commandeering Key Party Posts

Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton continues to deny that she is interested in a bid for the White House in 2008. But if you look around at changes taking place within her party, you might not believe her.

The Washington Post reports that Friends of Hillary are cropping up in key posts at the Democratic National Committee and other DNC-friendly organizations.

For instance, the paper reported, Harold Ickes -- longtime Democratic operative and friend -- has taken the helm at America Coming Together, an influential labor organization.

Also, Howard Wolfson, another friend, is "taking on a contract to shape strategy at the state Democratic Party in New York," the paper reported.

And Howard Dean, head of the DNC, has replaced Jano Cabrera as communications director with Karen Finney, who served as deputy press secretary in the first lady's office during the Clinton years. Finney also served as Hillary's spokeswoman during the former's successful Senate bid in 2000.

Finally, Mike Gehrke is replacing the DNC's research director, Jason Miner. Gehrke once worked in the Clinton White House. He then lent his research skills to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee later on.


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